Confirmation is a process through which young people have the opportunity to learn more about God, dig into their faith, and ready themselves to make a commitment to Christ through our congregation.
Confirmation classes begin in late winter/early spring and run every Sunday morning and evening for twelve weeks, led by the pastor and director of children & youth. Over the course of those weeks, students will deepen their relationships with God and one another through prayer, activities, lessons, conversation, take-home study, and a retreat.
In this class, students can expect to learn about:
the basics of the Bible
who God is
the Holy Trinity
our need for redemption
the person and work of Jesus
the different experiences of grace
the church
being United Methodist
sacraments: Baptism and Communion
the necessity of prayer
serving God's mission
what we promise to God
At the end of the class, students will be invited to prayerfully consider alongside their parents or guardians whether they're ready to make a commitment to Jesus through this church (which will include taking vows of membership). This commitment will happen in a special worship celebration in which the whole church will come together as a sign of support for these young people and their journey.